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Alessandra Amicarelli


Puppeteer, set designer, director, performer, trainer, multifaceted artist, creator of shows, installations, experiences of contemporary animated theater, she comes from a long professional artistic career of international level. After graduating in Scenography from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, a pluri-scholarship holder, he trained for three years at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts de la Marionnette in Charleville-Mézières where she met masters from all over the world. Since then, an intense path of creation began that led her to live and work for over 15 years in France. Back in Milan, her hometown, she opens the Spazio Laboratorio Fontanili, a place for research, creation and development of the languages of animated theater.

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Valeria Sacco

Graduated as an actress at the Paolo Grassi School in Milan, in 2002, she began a research path in the different languages of the Contemporary Figure Theater and discovered that more than acting, what fascinates her, is to animate. With Marco Ferro in 2004, she founded the Compagnia Riserva Canini , a place of the imaginary and the impossible, where she is an interpreter, animator, author and builder of the props for her shows with national and international tours in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Since 2019 she has been a teacher of Contemporary Figure Theater at the Paolo Grassi School in Milan and of Animation at the Higher Education Course Animateria.

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Angela Forti

After his scientific studies, in 2021 she graduated in Performing Arts and Sciences in Rome. She studies piano in the Conservatories of La Spezia and Rome. She writes about theater and performance criticism with Teatro e Critica. In 2019 she attended the Higher Education Course Animateria, from which his company, Hombre Collettivo, was born. Since 2020 she has been a national councillor of UNIMA Italy . Given his age, she still prefers not to define herself, but experiments, studies and meets. Given his age, she still strongly believes in a better world.

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Beatrice Baruffini

She graduated in 2004 in Communication Sciences with a thesis on the documentary creation in Italy. In 2005 she began a long path of collaboration as an actress, trainer, director and artistic co-director with the Teatro delle Briciole in Parma, where she will remain until 2019. She is a teacher of the Higher Education Course Animateria, artistic co-director of Insolito Festival , theater trainer. She is part of the Micro Macro association that operates in the field of theater and the creation of cultural actions and projects in Parma. Childhood and objects are the doors through which she observes the world: with the former she shares the gazes and languages still in formation, with the latter she is fascinated by their being so ready to be reborn as a result of poetic, metaphorical, meaningful uses. 

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Marco Ferro

Author and director for theater and audiovisuals, teacher of puppetry, trainer. Born in Florence, he completed his academic theater studies in Milan, graduating in Dramaturgy at the Paolo Grassi School and attending the masterclass in Directing at the Piccolo Teatro. Passionate, he continued his studies dealing with figure and animated theater, he founded the Compagnia Riserva Canini, with which over the years he has produced shows and ateliers in Italy and abroad. In the theatrical and opera fields he has worked for various organizations: he has been a performer, puppeteer, shadow master, technical assistant, assistant set designer, tireless porter and discreet driver. He loves scribbling his own theater on paper and building his own stories with his hands. Lives and works in Milan.


Alessandro Palmeri

Director, video maker specialized in installations and video mapping with latest generation software, full professor of Audiovisual and Multimedia Disciplines. After the double diploma in Scenography at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and in Directing at the School of Cinema in Milan, he made videos exhibited at the Milan Triennale and founded his own video creation and production group: Altri Luoghi Comuni. His video clips, short films, documentaries are selected and presented in various international festivals and national television broadcasters. He signs video creations for the Milan Triennale, Ermenegildo Zegna, Expo-2015, Moleskine, Miart etc. For his theatrical video creations he received the Dicream fund from the Center National du Cinema et de l'Image Animée (France).

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Cristina Grazioli

She teaches History and Aesthetics of Light on Stage and Teaters of Figures, Stories and Aesthetics at the University of Padua. She is a member of various international scientific committees, including the Conseil Scientifique of the Institut International de la Marionnette of Charleville-Mézières, and she is Membre associée of the Laboratoire CEAC (Center d'étude des Arts Contemporains) of the University of Lille where she co-directs with Véronique Perruchon the Lumière de Spectacle program. Head of the Dire Luce project. The words and things that light up the scene.


Mariano Dolci

He begins to collaborate with the company of the Experimental Puppet Theater of Otello Sarzi. In 1970 he was hired by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia to support the educational potential of puppets in nursery schools and municipal centers for children. He conceived and directed the Animation Laboratory, dedicated to Gianni Rodari. At the San Lazzaro psychiatric hospital  he carried out activities in direct contact with adult patients in order to verify the therapeutic implications of the construction and animation of puppets. He continued his activity with "therapeutic" puppets in other health contexts (school for educators, nursery schools, judicial psychiatric hospital). He has been invited in Italy and abroad to hold conferences, seminars and conferences, and regularly holds theoretical and practical courses at the Rosa Sensat association in Barcelona. He collaborates with the teaching of the Animation Theater of the Faculty of Education of the University of Urbino. He has several publications on the use of puppets and shadows in the three different contexts in which they can be encountered: theater, education and mediation activities in care or social work.

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