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Dear reader, friend, fan, supporter of ANIMATAZINE today we inaugurate the newsletter of the independent publishing project dedicated to puppet theatre that you helped bring to life.


It is a way to keep in touch with you through information, updates, news and various curiosities.


We hope that receiving this letter will be enjoyable for you and that its reading will not bore you...


With best wishes for a animated 2023!




Since the creation of the website you have read 15,343 pages with an average reading time of 7.50 minutes!



You are the ones who supported ANIMATAZINE with a donation, raising 3525€ which served to cover all the costs of editing, printing and shipping the issue ONE/WATER!



You are enthusiasts, curious, experts, professionals, masters, artists, travelers, activists, scholars, researchers, dreamers, poets, artisans, puppeteers, shadow puppeteers, actors, directors, set designers, dancers, educators, architects, theater critics, students, libraries, research centers, universities, festivals, theaters, cultural associations, bookstores...



You are in 70 countries of the world:


Albania Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Bangladesh Belgium Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Canada Chile Colombia Congo Costa Rica Costa Rica Croatia Curacao Czechia Denmark Ecuador Egypt Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Kenya Lithuania Luxembourg Mali Malta Martinique Mexico Monaco Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Russia Senegal Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa South Korea Sudan Spain Switzerland Taiwan Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela





In the month of NOVEMBER '22 ANIMATAZINE received the Special mention of the ANCT AWARD of National Association of Theater Critics!


This is the reasoning:


"ANIMATAzine is a paper and online fanzine dedicated to the art of animated forms (puppets, puppets, shadows) and to the connections that this art maintains with all the other arts, the humanities and sciences, societies and the environment. In just over a year of life, the publication, directed by Alessandra Amicarelli and Valeria Sacco, has been able to conquer numerous readers and gain international attention among the 51 periodical publications dedicated to puppet theater all over the world. Coinciding with the great ferment that characterizes the most recent initiatives of the Italian section of the Union Internationale de la Marionnette, Alessandra, trained at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts de la marionette of Charleville-Mézières with a long professional activity in France, together with Valeria, trained at the Paolo Grassi School, where she has held the position of teacher of Contemporary Figure Theater since 2019, have brought together a qualified editorial team that includes high-profile figures such as Angela Forti, Beatrice Baruffini, Marco Ferro, Alessandro Palmieri, Cristina Grazioli , Mariano Dolci. A magazine that defines itself as "of enthusiasts for enthusiasts" born with the aim of disseminating and making the art of puppets known in an unusual, accessible and as universal way as possible. A "bridge" which, in an intercultural key and with a rigorous multilingual profile (Italian, French, English), proposes the development of a dialogue with the great themes of the contemporary world. We wish ANIMATAzine a long life!

Naples, 14 November 2022 The ANCT president, Giulio Baffi"


ANIMATAZINE sincerely thanks the jury of the National Association of Theater Critics as well as all the guests (puppeteers, artists, researchers, scholars) of the ONE/WATER issue who let themselves be interviewed with trust and generosity and all the reader-supporters: a we dedicate this award to you, with gratitude, for making it possible.

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This is the map of magazines dedicated to puppet theater in the world published on the site of UNIMA International.


There are 51 periodical publications dedicated to puppet theater all over the planet.


ANIMATAZINE is there and is proud to represent Italy. 


Click on the map to discover the other magazines in the world: you will find precious treasures to learn about current events, aesthetics, themes and methods of production and representation in the world.


A panorama rich in diversity and beauty of languages, forms and research.


In the next newsletters, we will each time offer you the discovery of an article taken from the pages of these magazines!


In the meantime, happy reading and happy traveling!

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In the month of MARCH a special issue of Art limes, Hungarian magazine of puppetry and associated arts, entitled: "The World of Puppet Journals", dedicated to puppet theater magazines currently active in the world.


ANIMATION is part of it!

(You can find us from page 16 to page 23).


"Since its creation in 2003, Art Limes magazine has made it a point to list puppet magazines around the world and establish contacts with their editors.


First of all, the main collaborations have developed with magazines from European countries close to Hungary (LoutkáÅ™ - Puppeteer - Double), but also with others more distant (Puppetry International - Puppeteers of America - Puppet Notebook).


Art Limes also gave a brief description of some of the missing puppet magazines, many of whose issues contained articles on important topics (Puck, La Hoja).


Art Limes considers it important to extend this circle of connections and regularly review the magazines published around the world, to know the state of puppetry in different countries and gain knowledge of it."


Happy with the attention given to us, we thank all the editorial staff of Art Limes, especially the editor-in-chief JenÅ‘ Virág.



In the month of MAY ANIMATAZINE received a Special Mention of the EOLO AWARDS 2023 Awards.


In the context of Signals Festival, at Bruno Munari Theatre the award ceremony was held in Milan on May 4th.


ANIMATAZINE received the "Special mention for the figure theater dedicated to Giovanni Moretti" with this reasoning:


"Animatazine is the first Italian fanzine dedicated to animated theatre.

Extremely refined, in three languages, French, Italian and English, paper and digital, totally independent, it is curated by Alessandra Amicarelli, Valeria Sacco, Angela Forti, Beatrice Baruffini, Marco Ferro, Alessandro Palmeri, Cristina Grazioli and Mariano Dolci. Animatazine explores animated theater in its most vital, intense, poetic ramifications in connection with the arts and contemporary thought, welcoming artists and researchers from all over the world. THEThe first issue is dedicated to water."


We thankMario Bianchi, creator and manager of the EOLO AWARDS prize for this recognition that honors us!



Always in the month of MAY ANIMATAZINE was chosen among the magazines made available during the workshop held in Paris "Publications for the puppet arts in France", in the context of the General Assembly of Themaa on May 31st.


In this workshop the participants reflected on a “ideal magazine” for the puppet theater.


About ten specialized magazines in the sector from all over the world have been made available to be leafed through and observed to find food for thought and possible inspiration.


A list of strengths to take into consideration has thus been drawn up, including:


the importance of multilingualism, the graphic/artistic aspect, the possibility of creating thematic monographs, the possibility of making the paper magazine connected to an online version.


ANIMATAZINE was received as a very interesting example and a model to inspire precisely for all the above points.

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In the month of JUNE ANIMATAZINE participated in the online meeting of editors-in-chief of puppet magazines from all over the world, organized by Commission for Publications and Contemporary Writings of Unima International.


Two points were discussed in this meeting:


1. The publication of an international online puppet theater magazine edited by Unima Internazionale which presents articles from the various magazines around the world, thus acting as a collector and megaphone for all the publishing realities of the sector.


2. The presentation of the "meeting with magazines" to the Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes of Charleville- Mézières, which will take place on 21 September and to which ANIMATAZINE has been invited to participate.


We will update you soon on this important appointment.

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Dear readers, we are preparing a satisfaction questionnaire dedicated to the number ONE/ACQUA of ANIMAZINE.


We will ask you to take a few minutes to ask a few questions to help us understand which content was the most interesting for you and which were your favorite in-depth tools.


We will send you the form by email in a few days, if you reply it will be very useful and appreciated for us.


Thank you!



Contrary to what was announced in the previous Newsletter, we are now officializing the exact release date of the next issue of ANIMATAZINE dedicated to the EARTH.




We apologize for this wait: we felt the need to be able to devote more time to editing the edition, the building site of the works necessary for publication being very vast.


We wish all our readers a good summer!

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