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For the launch of each issue of ANIMATAZINE we will organize various opportunities for meeting and dialogue with readers.

Each launch will be linked to real participatory workshops led by the editorial staff around the elements of Water, Earth, Air and Fire. 

The workshops, offered to various recipients, aim to create a practical and creative encounter with our potential readers: young students of professional animated theater schools; professionals in the world of theater: actors, performers, set designers, visual artists, dancers, as well as the audience of passionate readers from the most varied professional worlds and from the most diverse ages. 

We would like to try to intercept and get closer to anyone interested in ANIMATAZINE's investigative process. 

Everything that will be created in the proposed workshops (words, voices, gestures, drawings, music) will be documented in order to create a POM that will be part of the content of the next issue. 

In conjunction with the launch of this issue ZERO we had the pleasure of meeting the students of the Animateria 2021 course and the students of the Atelier delle Figure 2021 course in Gambettola thanks to the support of the Arrivano dal Mare Festival. 

Together with them we worked on the theme of water and on the issue to be released in March 2022 it will therefore be possible to find among the published contents the testimony of the work done together.

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