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ANIMATAZINE was born with the deep desire to activate a dialogue and a debate to grow and develop a multifaceted and broad collective thought.
This space is reserved for the publication of your texts, reflections, researches, thoughts, notes, notes, scribbles around animated art.
In this issue ZERO we launch two themes:
ANIMATED THEATER: a reflection on the state of the art: how is the puppet theater in Italy today? How do we understand this language? Do we all recognize ourselves in the expression Teatro di Figura? Starting with a reflection on the terminology used here in Italy to define animated art, we would like to capture some aspects from the past looking for the thrusts towards the future that are emerging in the present.
ANIMATED BODY: a reflection on the body on stage intended itself as a puppet to be animated.
To WRITE and PARTICIPATE in the ANIMATED DEBATE with your texts, reflections, drawings or other:
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